About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

How Hair Restoration With PRP Works [A Detailed Guide]

by Ross Martin

Hair loss is the thinning or balding of hair on the scalp. Hair loss, medically known as alopecia, is generally caused by genetics or aging. However, it can also be caused by stress, disease, medications, environmental factors, and unhealthy hair practices. If you have recently experienced significant hair loss, you may be wondering what treatment options are available for your situation. Why not consider hair restoration with PRP?

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a procedure in which blood is drawn from the patient and then placed into a centrifuge. The rotating container spins the blood at very high speeds, separating the red cells from other components in the human body.

When this separation occurs, it leaves behind an enriched concentration of plasma, specifically platelets and stem cells. These platelets and stem cells are then re-injected into the body, increasing the body's natural healing abilities.

PRP injections can be used to treat many conditions, including arthritis, hair loss, wrinkles, sports injuries, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and plantar fasciitis.

How Does Hair Restoration with PRP Work?

PRP works in hair restoration by providing a rich, natural source of bioactive proteins and growth factors that activate the production of new cells. As the name suggests, PRP contains an abundance of platelets, which are critical for the growth and development of new tissue.

Platelets contain a wide variety of essential growth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor, epidermal growth factor, insulin-like growth factor 1, hepatocyte growth factor, vascular endothelial cell growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta).

These factors are responsible for promoting cellular proliferation, stimulating collagen production, and inducing angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels). Thus, PRP has become an essential treatment for hair loss because it significantly stimulates the development of healthy hair follicles.

Hair restoration with PRP takes two main types:

  • Topical PRP- It is the application of a formulation containing concentrated platelets to the scalp's surface. This mixture is mainly applied through forehead delivery, which involves applying the platelet-rich plasma on specific areas of hair loss. In other times, it can be done through the whole-scalp application, which involves applying the mixture over the entire scalp.
  • Injectable PRP- This type of hair restoration with PRP involves injecting concentrated platelets into the scalp. Injections are made at different angles, as with the whole-scalp application of topical PRP, so as to cover all areas of thinning. Once injected, the platelet-rich plasma stimulates the development of new hair follicles.

The Bottom Line

Hair restoration with PRP has gained significant popularity in recent years. PRP is very effective as both a topical and injectable treatment for hair loss. It works by using platelet-rich plasma as a vehicle to deliver vital growth factors to the scalp's surface, where they stimulate the development of new hair follicles.

For more information on PRP hair restoration, contact a professional near you.


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About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

Hello there! I'm Jessica Goodyear. I am an unofficial expert on cosmetic procedures--mostly because I've had a lot of them done. Some people judge me or think I'm fake, but I feel more like myself than I ever have before! It all started when I was a teenager. I broke my nose playing softball, and I had to have plastic surgery on my nose so that I could breathe properly. But my nose looked different afterwards, and I liked it better! Now I save up my money to get something done every few years. Whether it's teeth whitening or veneers, a little bit of liposuction, or new cheekbones, there's something so satisfying about letting your inner beauty shine out through your outer body. I started this site to help break the stereotypes about cosmetic surgeries and to talk about some of the health risks related to them. Check it out!