About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

  • Correcting Misinfomation About Fertility Issues

    The process of having children is a major part of life for many people. However, it is an unfortunate reality that there are some individuals that will encounter issues with conceiving a child. For these individuals, fertility treatments can be essential for allowing them to start the family that they have always wanted. Myth: Fertility Problems Always Stem From One Of The Partners It is often assumed by individuals that problems conceiving will always be the fault of one of the partners.

  • Five Tips For Avoiding Vision Damage From Using Your Smartphone

    Every day that you use your smartphone, it's drastically affecting your vision whether you realize it or not. Some of your personal use habits may also inadvertently be making the danger to your vision worse. To help ensure that your smartphone is not damaging your eyesight, you should consider these five tips: Set Some Limits: Whenever you don't have to use your smartphone, don't. You can even set limits on your smartphone with certain apps that will basically track how often you are opening your phone throughout the day.

  • Dealing With Back Pain During Your Pregnancy

    Pregnancy causes rapid changes to your body that are hard to keep up with. One of the more unpleasant changes is an increase in back and pelvic pain. If you have a history of back issues, then you are more likely to suffer from them during pregnancy. Not only is back pain uncomfortable, it can actually make daily life harder. However, there are some ways to adjust, cope and lessen these problems for a more comfortable pregnancy.

  • Why Gynecologists Recommend Pelvic Ultrasounds For Women Experiencing Problems

    If you are experiencing pain during intercourse or in your lower abdomen at certain times of the month, your doctor may recommend getting a pelvic ultrasound. An ultrasound is a test that is most commonly used during pregnancy, but it has other purposes too. Ultrasounds to locate sources of female problems is also very common, and the type you will need is called a pelvic ultrasound. Here are three important things to understand about pelvic ultrasounds.

  • Three Unconventional Uses For Botox

    It is common knowledge that Botox treatments are generally used to help remove wrinkles and help people to keep their youthful appearance. Besides that, however, Botox has some unconventional uses as well. Here are three more ways Botox can be helpful. Decreases Foot Pain Caused by High Heels According to one particular study, 49% of women over the age of 18 wear high heels. And a large majority of these women, (71%) complain that wearing high heels hurts their feet.

About Me

About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

Hello there! I'm Jessica Goodyear. I am an unofficial expert on cosmetic procedures--mostly because I've had a lot of them done. Some people judge me or think I'm fake, but I feel more like myself than I ever have before! It all started when I was a teenager. I broke my nose playing softball, and I had to have plastic surgery on my nose so that I could breathe properly. But my nose looked different afterwards, and I liked it better! Now I save up my money to get something done every few years. Whether it's teeth whitening or veneers, a little bit of liposuction, or new cheekbones, there's something so satisfying about letting your inner beauty shine out through your outer body. I started this site to help break the stereotypes about cosmetic surgeries and to talk about some of the health risks related to them. Check it out!