Laser Hair Removal For Legs: How It Is Done & The Cost For A Session
Are you tired of shaving your legs only to notice that the hair has grown back shortly after? If you want longer results for hair removal on your legs, you may want to consider undergoing a few sessions for laser hair removal. Find out how the laser hair removal procedure is done and how much you can expect to pay for each session. How is Laser Hair Removal Done for Legs?
Four Mental Illnesses That Can Be Diagnosed And Managed By A General Care Physician
General care practitioners can diagnose and treat more than just physical maladies. Four common mental illnesses—depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, and Alzheimer's—are commonly identified and treated under the care of a general practice physician. Depression General practice physicians treat approximately 70% of Americans suffering from depression. They diagnose the disease, prescribe and manage anti-depressants, and monitor patient progress. General care practitioners often refer people with severe depression to a mental health professional, but for mild symptoms, general practitioners are usually willing and able to assist a patient.
The Truth About Common Vision 'Untruths'
The misconceptions about what causes vision problems are many. Some falsehoods are more common than others, yet most can be argued with facts to the contrary. Consequently, the best way to bust a myth is to learn more about what you don't know. If kids cross their eyes too many times, their eyes will eventually stay crossed. Not true. Sometimes kids cross their eyes on purpose. It may make them look funny, but it won't hurt their vision.
The Six Million Dollar Man | Can Today's Science Re-Create The Television Character From The 1970S
It's always fun to look back and see what Hollywood told us the future would be like. Unfortunately, it is usually way off the mark. We still don't have flying cars or food replicators. We can't travel through time. We can't build a Six Million Dollar man. Or, can we? Both medicine and biomedical engineering have made huge advancements since the popular show aired in the 1970s. Steve Austin, the main character, a test pilot, astronaut, scientist, and all-around over-achiever, was severely injured in a test flight, and in a last ditch effort to save his life, the government patched him up with bionic parts.
How To Prepare For Your Child's CT Scan
Does your child potentially have a head injury that requires a CT scan? A CT scan can be a scary or stressful experience for adults, so it's understandable why children can sometimes have trouble with it. While your child may be nervous, it's important that they're calm and relaxed for the procedure. The more still a child is, the more accurate the images will be. That will help your doctor provide a more accurate diagnosis and reduce the need for additional scans.