About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

  • Chronic Headache Causes & Solutions

    Almost everyone suffers from headaches every now and then. Occasional headaches can occur for a variety of reasons that are no cause for serious concern. These types of headaches can usually be cured with over the counter medicine such as aspirin. However, chronic headaches can be related to more serious underlying reasons. Chronic headaches shouldn't be considered as a part of a normal condition. When possible, the underlying cause of chronic headaches should be examined.

  • They're Allergic To That: 4 Ways To Keep Your Child Safe During The Holidays

    If your child suffers from severe food allergies, the holidays can be particularly stressful. Trying to participate in holiday get-togethers while protecting your child from life-threatening allergic reactions can take a lot of planning. Luckily, you don't have to avoid the festivities. Here are four steps you can take to protect your child during the holidays. Have an Allergy-Free Party One of the best ways to provide a safe environment for your child is to host an allergy-free party.

  • What You Need To Know Before You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted

    Extracting wisdom teeth is a common oral surgery, so you shouldn't be too worried about the procedure. However, at the same time, it is still a surgical procedure, and it will take time for you to recover afterwards. Learn more about getting your wisdom teeth pulled so you know what to expect and can prepare yourself for your appointment at a clinic like Altoona Center For Oral Surgery & Maxillofacial Surgery.

  • 3 Reasons Why It Is So Important To Have A Regular General Practitioner

    It is very important that you have a regular general practitioner that you feel comfortable with, trust, and that you can visit whenever you need to. This article will discuss three reasons why this is considered to be so important.  Referral To Specialists If you think that you may potentially need to see a specialist for something, your general practitioner is going to be the doctor that you visit first. Your general practitioner is going to be able to give you a full assessment to see if you do in fact need to see a specialist and, if so, what kind of specialist you need to see.

  • What Can You Do For Raynaud's Disease?

    During the winter, you know to be on the lookout for illnesses such as the common cold and flu. However, there is one that many people overlook. Raynaud's disease is a condition that can have a significant impact on your health in cold weather. Here is what you need to know about the disease so that you can protect yourself.   What Are the Symptoms? Raynaud's disease occurs when your arteries narrow after exposure to cold air, which results in a decrease of blood circulation.

  • About Me

    About Jessica's Cosmetic Surgeries

    Hello there! I'm Jessica Goodyear. I am an unofficial expert on cosmetic procedures--mostly because I've had a lot of them done. Some people judge me or think I'm fake, but I feel more like myself than I ever have before! It all started when I was a teenager. I broke my nose playing softball, and I had to have plastic surgery on my nose so that I could breathe properly. But my nose looked different afterwards, and I liked it better! Now I save up my money to get something done every few years. Whether it's teeth whitening or veneers, a little bit of liposuction, or new cheekbones, there's something so satisfying about letting your inner beauty shine out through your outer body. I started this site to help break the stereotypes about cosmetic surgeries and to talk about some of the health risks related to them. Check it out!