Home Remedies For Back Pain
If you suffer from chronic back pain, you'll want a way to get through those bad days. While it's important for you to see a doctor for professional help, you can still use some home remedies during those periods when you need extra help to make it through the day with as little back pain as possible. This article will introduce you to some home remedies for back pain that you should keep in mind for future reference.
Don't Let Glaucoma Silently Take Away Your Vision
Glaucoma is an eye disease that can progress slowly with few symptoms. If not caught early, it can damage structures in your eye before you know it. The result can be a permanent loss of vision. Here is what you need to know about this eye disease and how to keep it from affecting your vision. Increased Pressure in the Eye is the Problem Your eyeball keeps its shape by being filled with a thick fluid called the vitreous humor.
What To Expect Before, During, And After Your Colonoscopy
If you've never had a colonoscopy before, the anticipation can be uncomfortable. Here are some things that you can expect before, during, and after your colonoscopy. Before the Colonoscopy There are a few things that you can do to empty your colon before the exam date. For instance, your diet will be limited to liquids such as water or tea the day before your exam, and you won't be able to eat solid foods.
Can Astigmatism Be Treated During Cataract Surgery?
Cataract surgery is a common procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. If you have special vision problems, such as an astigmatism, it is possible that they can be treated during the cataract surgery. Here is what you need to know. How Does an Astigmatism Impact Vision? Normally, light that enters the eye bends evenly, which results in a clear image. An astigmatism causes an irregular curve of the cornea, which disrupts the bend of the light.
3 Things You Need To Know About Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome
Long-distance running is a popular athletic pursuit, but it's also hard on your body. The repetitive pounding of your feet against the pavement can lead to overuse injuries like chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS). Here are three things runners need to know about this injury. What are the symptoms? If you develop CECS, the muscles in your lower legs will cramp soon after you start running. The pain will keep getting worse throughout your run, but once you're at rest, you'll feel fine within 30 minutes.